Paylaş | 18 September 2015
The 3rd Summer School Program started with the opening address by Prof. Dr. Zühtü ARSLAN, President of the Turkish Constitutional Court, at the Grand Tribunal Hall of the Court. After the opening address, the participants visited the Court building and had their lunch at the Court restaurant. The guests were transferred to the hotel for the subsequent academic sessions of the program in the afternoon. Mr. Burahn USTUN, Vice-President of Turkish Constitutional Court, gave a dinner in honor of the guests in the evening.
The working language of the Summer School Program was English and the participants presented the legal situations in their countries and precedent judgments of their Courts on “Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Organization”. The participants had the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience through the discussions and question & answer sessions.
Such social activities as bowling tournament, paper marbling show (traditional Turkish art) etc. throughout the program have contributed to developing the friendship and dialogue among the members of the Association. Our guests had the chance to enjoy historical, cultural and natural beauties in Konya on 2 September Wednesday, in Ankara on 4 September Friday and in Istanbul on 5-6 September.
The 3rd Summer School Program ended with the General Assessment Session and Certificate Ceremony on Tuesday, 08 September.
Click for list of participants.
Click for presentations.