Paylaş | 24 April 2018
President Mr. Zühtü Arslan and the accompanying delegation consisting of the Vice-Presidents, Justices and Rapporteurs of the Constitutional Court paid a visit to Anıtkabir on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the Constitutional Court.
Reaching Atatürk’s mausoleum by walking through the Lions Alley, President Mr. Arslan and the accompanying delegation placed a wreath on the mausoleum and thereafter observed a moment of silence.
Signing the Anıtkabir Memorial Book of Honour at the National Pact Tower, Mr. Arslan noted the followings on the book:
“Great Atatürk,
We are in your presence on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the Constitutional Court.
The Court maintains fulfilling its objective to safeguard fundamental rights and freedoms especially through its five years’ experience of individual application.
To take this occasion, we would like to once again state that we are full of ambition to transfer the Republic of Turkey −founded and entrusted to us by you− to the next generations as a democratic state of law based on human rights.
Rest in peace!”