Paylaş | 22 August 2022

President of the Constitutional Court, Mr. Zühtü Arslan, participated in the 5th Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) held in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. President Arslan was accompanied by Justice Mr. Hicabi Dursun and Deputy Secretary General Mr. Yücel Arslan.

After meeting with Mr. Namjil Chinbat, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia, President Arslan participated in the AACC Board of Members’ Opening Meeting, and moderated the 1st Session of the 5th Congress of the AACC, themed “Recent Developments of Constitutional Justice in Asia”.

At the end of the Congress, the Ulaanbaatar Declaration was adopted. In addition, the application submitted by the Palestinian Supreme Constitutional Court for membership of the AACC was endorsed also with the support of the Turkish Constitutional Court.