Paylaş | 24 April 2020

“We had to postpone the ceremony to be held on the occasion of the anniversary of the Constitutional Court, which is held annually with great participation, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

As is known, the world has been fighting a fast-spreading and life-threatening virus that has no boundaries. Our daily routines, habits and relationships with other people have changed radically. In short, the whole world is going through hard and critical times.

In these hard times, we need, more than ever, patience, mutual understanding and solidarity both individually and socially. Today is the day of national consolidation with the spirit of unity and solidarity.

Undoubtedly, we have witnessed throughout the history that there are heroes of hard times. In this period where we fight the pandemic, particularly healthcare professionals work with great sacrifice. Referring to a famous statement made during the Second Word War, we can say about the healthcare professionals in present-day conditions that “Never in the history of fight against pandemic was so much owed by so many to so few”.

In this context, I would like to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Health, the Science Committee, all of our healthcare professionals, especially our doctors, and all those who have contributed to the fight against pandemic. I would also like to express my belief that by following the precautions suggested by the health authorities, we will overcome these hard times within the shortest time possible and with the least loss.

Besides, by placing everyone, if you will, under house-arrest, the pandemic has once again reminded us how valuable are our fundamental rights and freedoms. Fundamental rights and freedoms, such as the right to live in a healthy environment, personal freedom, freedom of movement, and notably the right to life, are sine qua non for human to live humanely.

Turkish Constitutional Court, which celebrates its 58th anniversary this year, strives to fulfil its duty of protecting constitutional rights and freedoms in all circumstances. The Court has issued decisions to protect fundamental rights and freedoms in the best way since 23 September 2012 when the individual application mechanism was introduced.

In this scope, the Constitutional Court has rendered paramount decisions/judgments with a right-based approach in the cases of both constitutionality review and individual application and made considerable contributions to raising the standards of fundamental rights and freedoms.

It should be noted that the effective implementation of the individual application system is of vital importance for the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms in the country. The Court successfully manages the heavy workload by rendering decisions which are not only qualified in nature but also plenty in quantity. Hereby I would like to share some statistical information on individual application.

The Court has received a total of approximately 268,000 applications since the introduction of the individual application mechanism, and nearly 224,000 of them have been adjudicated. In 2019 the Court adjudicated approximately 40,000 applications. It should be noted with satisfaction that the Court has concluded 93 percent of the applications it has received in the last two years.

In these days when we are fighting the pandemic nationwide, the Court continues its activities by taking the necessary precautions as well as taking advantage of technological opportunities. The Court will also thereafter be determined, in all circumstances, to fulfill properly its duties designated by the Turkish Constitution, that is to say, to protect the supremacy of the Constitution, the democratic state of law, and the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals as an indispensable element of such a state.

Lastly, taking this opportunity, I would like express my thanks to all my colleagues, who work devotedly by struggling to cope with the heavy workload, for their contributions. On this occasion, I would like to commemorate our late and retired justices and personnel. I also wish good health and prosperity to all members of the Court.

I wish that what we have learned from the pandemic and the steps to be taken will lead us to live in a healthier world, and I would like to extend everyone all my most sincere and respectful greetings.”