Paylaş | 30 November 2021
An online conference titled “‘Nazarbayev’s Model’: Course towards Integration of Turkic World” was held at Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University on 26 November 2021.
President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Zühtü Arslan, stating in his speech delivered at the opening of the Conference that the Turkic Council was restructured into the Organisation of Turkic States in İstanbul on 12 November 2021, pointed to the beginning of a new era in terms of the unity of the Turkic world.
Putting an emphasis on the need for an understanding based on the aim to let the humanity live, which underlies the unity of the Turkic world, President Arslan noted that severe problems in the world may be resolved only through a human-oriented approach. He further stated that the roots of this mindset may be found in Turkistan and that the preeminent philosopher al-Farabi, in his work Virtuous City (El-Medinetü'l-Fazıla), and Khoja Ahmed Yassawi -one of the architects of thoughts and beliefs in Turkic world- through his glorious hikmets (mysteries), indeed explained a human-oriented understanding several centuries ago.
President Arslan further stated “We, as the Turkic world, should strive for a fair country and world where fundamental rights and freedoms are respected and protected, rule of law is ensured and people live together in peace and welfare. In other words, we all should have a common goal of establishing and maintaining a pluralist, liberal and democratic order which is predicated on human dignity, in pursuit of fundamental rights and freedoms, and where the rule of law reigns along with its all institutions and rules.”
Click for the full text of the speech delivered by President Zühtü Arslan.