Paylaş | 28 September 2016

President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Zühtü Arslan and the accompanying delegation participated in the Conference titled “Global Constitutionalism” which was organized by Law School of Yale University in Connecticut, the United States of America (USA) and in which Presidents and Members of Constitutional Courts or Supreme Courts and academicians from many countries took part.

Mr. Arslan started his speech wishing Allah’s mercy for the martyrs of democracy who have preserved the honour of Turkish democracy by standing against the coup attempt made on the 15th of July, and stated that the terrorist attack occurred on the 15th of July was an attack that was much more desperate than the ones which had occurred in the USA on the 11th of September.

Mr. Arslan expressed that the coup attempt made on the 15th of July was an attack on democracy and the state of law, and that accordingly the Turkish Constitutional Court has taken up a clear position against this antidemocratic attempt right from the very beginning.

Mr. Arslan, having given information on the regimes concerning the state of emergency in the Turkish Law and on the judicial process carried out in Turkey in the aftermath of the 15th of July, also answered the participants’ questions on the matter.