Paylaş | 04 November 2016
“International Istanbul Law Congress” was held on 17 – 19 October 2016 at Çırağan Palace in Istanbul under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey. A considerable number of jurists and academicians from 47 countries, among whom were the Ministers of Justice, Presidents and Members of Constitutional Courts, Courts of Cassation, Councils of State, High Councils of Judges and Prosecutors and representatives of the Equivalent Bodies of Academy of Justice, attended the Congress.
President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Zühtü Arslan participated in the mentioned Congress, and moderated the session under the theme of “Constitutional Justice and the Right to Individual Application” held within the scope of the Congress. And Member of the Constitutional Court Mr. Hasan Tahsin Gökcan delivered a presentation titled “The Right to Individual Application: The Case of Turkey”.
During the Congress, President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Arslan held bilateral meetings with the delegations from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Somalia.