Paylaş | 09 November 2017

1. International Symposium of the Research and Development Secretariat of Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions was held by the Korean Constitutional Court in Seoul, Korea between October 30th and November 3rd 2017. The topic of the Symposium was “Constitutionalism in Asia : Past, Present and Future”. The representatives of the Members of the Association and the Venice Commission have participated in the Symposium.

On behalf of the Turkish Constitutional Court, Justice Hasan Tahsin Gökcan and Rapporteur Dr. Mucahit Aydın have participated in the Symposium. Justice Gökcan made a presentation entitled “The Progress of Constitutionalism in Turkey” which provided information regarding Turkish constitutional history and the individual appeal remedy before the Turkish Constitutional Court.

The delegation of the Court held meetings and exchanged views with the Members of the Association. The delegation also attended 29 October Turkish Republic National Day Reception and paid an official visit to the Turkish Republic Seoul Embassy.