Paylaş | 30 October 2017

Within the events of the 25th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania, the International Conference on “Europeanization of Domestic Constitutional Law and Constitutionalization of European Law – Challenges for the Future” was held in Tirana, Albania on 20 October 2017 with the participation of the representatives of the Constitutional Courts from Europe and the representatives of certain international institutions such as the Venice Commission.

President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Zühtü ARSLAN, President of the Court of Jurisdictional Disputes Mr. Nuri NECİPOĞLU and Rapporteur Judge Mr. Nahit GEZGİN participated in the Conference on behalf of the Turkish Constitutional Court.

Mr. ARSLAN chaired one of the Sessions in the Conference. In his speech delivered as a chairperson, Mr. ARSLAN indicated that with the introduction of individual application mechanism in Turkey, the “Europeanization” process of the Constitutional Law gained momentum; however, the coup attempt of 15 July paralyzed this process. Noting that the coup attempt was in the nature of an attack towards the basic values of the Council of Europe such as democracy, human rights and rule of law, Mr. ARSLAN also emphasized that conducts and behaviours discriminating “others” and taking place in many European countries – such as xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia – were constituting an extremely serious threat to such basic values.

Throughout the Conference and other events, the delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court held meetings and exchanged views with other delegations.