Paylaş | 24 November 2017

The 2nd International Conference on “Individual Access to Constitutional Justice” was jointly held by the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa and the Constitutional Council of Algeria in Algiers, Algeria between 24-27 November, 2017 with the participation of the representatives of the Constitutional Courts and certain international institutions such as the Venice Commission.

President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Zühtü Arslan and Justice Hicabi Dursun participated in the Conference on behalf of the Turkish Constitutional Court.

Arslan delivered a speech at the Conference and explained the exception of unconstitutionality in the Turkish legal system. Arslan also emphasized the importance of individual applications system with respect to individual access to constitutional justice by drawing conclusions from Turkish experience. Expressing that concrete review and individual application mechanisms complement each other in pursuing constitutional justice, Arslan explicated the interaction between these two legal mechanisms by giving examples from the practice of the Turkish Constitutional Court.

Throughout the Conference, the delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court held meetings and exchanged views with other delegations.

Click on the full text of the speech delivered by the President