Paylaş | 01 December 2017
The International Conference on “Role and Significance of the Constitution in Building Democratic State Governed by Rule of Law” was held in the city of Tashkent of Republic of Uzbekistan between 30/November-1 December, 2017 with the participation of the Presidents and members of Asian Constitutional Courts.
President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Zühtü Arslan and Rapporteur Hüseyin Mecek participated in the Conference on behalf of the Turkish Constitutional Court. Arslan made a presentation in the Conference titled “The Role of Constitutional Courts in Upholding Democratic State of Law: Turkish Example”.
Arslan stated that constitutions provide a) the legal framework for a democratic order by ensuring the exercise of fundamental rights during normal times, b) and special procedures and defence mechanism in order to protect democratic state of law during emergencies. Within this scope, Arslan explained the role of Constitutional Courts in protecting democratic legal state by giving examples from the leading case-law of the Turkish Constitutional Court before and after July 15 coup attempt.
Throughout the Conference, the delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court held meetings and exchanged views with other delegations.
Click on the full text of the speech delivered by the President