Paylaş | 19 July 2017
The President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey Mr. Zühtü ARSLAN, the Constitutional Court Justice Mr. Muammer TOPAL and Rapporteur Judge Mr. Yücel ARSLAN participated in the XVII. Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts and “Circle of Presidents” held on 28 June - 1 July 2017 in Batumi, Georgia.
The Presidents and/or delegations of Constitutional Courts of 41 member countries and the Presidents and/or representatives of international organizations including the Venice Commission, the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa and the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions attended the aforementioned Congress.
President ARSLAN, having delivered a speech during the Congress on the role of Constitutional Courts in times of emergency, also made explanations on the judgment rendered on 20 June 2017 by the Plenary of the Constitutional Court where the constitutional principles to be paid regard in individual applications lodged due to detention on remand ordered within the scope of the state of emergency were determined.