Paylaş | 06 March 2025

President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Kadir Özkaya participated in the Preparatory Meeting of the Circle of Presidents for the XXth Congress of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (“the Conference”), held in Tirana, Albania, on 28 February 2025.

During the meeting, which was attended by 32 constitutional/supreme courts that are members of the Conference currently presided over by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania, the application of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo for membership of the Conference was approved with the support of the Turkish Constitutional Court. President Özkaya congratulated President of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo Mr. Nexhmi Rexhepi on their membership.

Certain issues such as the theme and organisation of the XXth Congress of the Conference, planned to be held in 2027, were also discussed during the meeting.

As part of the visit, President Özkaya also paid a visit to the Turkish Embassy in Tirana and met with Ambassador Mr. Tayyar Kağan Atay.

Deputy Secretary General Dr. Mücahit Aydın accompanied President Özkaya during his visit to Albania.