Paylaş | 12 May 2014

52nd Anniversary of the Constitutional Court and 2nd Congress of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC), hosted by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey, were held at Hilton Hotel, Istanbul on 27 April-1 May 2014.

In addition to several international organisations and courts, members and observer courts of the Association were invited to participate in the activities of the 2nd AACC Congress, which were attended by approximately 200 participants comprising of the presidents, judges, justices and staff members of Constitutional and Supreme Courts from 23 Countries.

Afghanistan, Indonesia, South Kazakhstan, Korea, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Thailand, Tajikistan and Turkey participated in the Board of Members Meeting held on 28 April 2014 as member countries. Azerbaijan was admitted as the new member of the Association at the meeting. Constitutional Court of Indonesia was elected as the new term president and the next meeting of the Association was unanimously decided to be held in Indonesia in April 2015 at the meeting, during which crucial decisions with regard to the future activities of the Association were adopted.

Subsequent to the Board of Members Meeting of the AACC, the inaugural ceremony of the 2nd Congress of the AACC began with the keynote speech of the President of the Constitutional Court, Mr. Haşim KILIÇ, at Hilton Convention Center at 10:30. Afterwards, the President of the Conference on Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa Mr. Mogoeng Mogoeng, President of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts Prof. Dr. Gerhart Holzinger, President of the Constitutional Court of Korea, which will host the 3rd World Conference on Constitutional Justice, Mr. Han-Chul Park and President of the Venice Commission Dr. Gianni Buquicchio delivered their opening remarks.

4 sessions were de for the Congress, each of which dealt with a different subject matter and was presided by a moderator. The 1st day of the Congress, during which two sessions were held, ended at 16:50.

The 2nd day of the Congress began on 29 April 2014 at 10:00 and the Congress ended at 15:00, after the 3rd and 4th sessions were held. Final Meeting of Board of Members of the AACC was held on the same day and Istanbul Declaration was signed by all members. The meeting ended after the handing-over of the Flag of the Association to the President of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, which was elected as the new Term President and a speech was delivered by the new Term President. The President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Haşim KILIÇ held a press conference with the President of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia Mr. Zoelva with regard to the activities of the 2nd Congress of the AACC at the end of the meeting. Information on the developments during Turkeys term presidency was provided and Istanbul Declaration, which was unanimously adopted by the Association, was announced to the press.

A visit was paid to Topkapı Palace after the Concert of the Janissary Band at the entrance of the Palace, preceded by the visits paid to Sultan Ahmet Mosque and Hagia Sophia Museum on 30 April. Having the opportunity to see the Grand Bazaar, the delegations departed for Çırağan Palace for Gala Dinner. The Concert of “Kardeş Türküler” livened up the night at Çırağan Palace. The activities ended after the vote of thanks of the President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Haşim KILIÇ adressing the delegations participating in the 52nd Anniversary and 2nd Congress of the AACC.