Paylaş | 14 September 2018

The delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court that visited Bosnia and Herzegovina upon the invitation by the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina consisted, besides President Mr. Zühtü Arslan, of Justices Mr. Recep Kömürcü and Mr. Hasan Tahsin Gökcan and Rapporteur Mrs. Şermin Birtane.

President Mr. Arslan and the accompanying delegation first paid a visit to the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Hezegovina in Sarajevo. The delegation of the Constitutional Court negotiated with President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia Herzegovinia Mr. Zlatko M. Knežević and Justices of the Court on “Implementation of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court and Problems arising in regards to Implementation”. After the meeting, the delegation convened Chair of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Bakir Izetbegović.

Following the meeting at the Presidency, President Mr. Arslan made a statement to the press and told that they came to Sarajevo upon the invitation by the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and that they made negotiations within the framework of the bilateral memorandum of cooperation.

Noting that they held a highly fruitful meeting with Bosnian leader Mr. Izetbegović, President Arslan emphasized that the negotiations would contribute to the improvement of cooperation between the courts of these two countries.

Chair of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. zetbegović expressed his wish for the further enhancement of the ongoing relations, at all levels, between Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as his gratitude for the visit paid by the delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court.

President of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Zlatko M. Knežević also noted that the cooperation between these two courts was serving as a model.