Paylaş | 05 October 2018

The delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court paid a visit to Croatia, after their visit to Hungary, within the scope of the Joint Project on Supporting Individual Application to the Constitutional Court in Turkey.

The delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court, presided by Vice-President Mr. Burhan Üstün, consisted of Justices Mr. Serdar Özgüldür, Mr. Recep Kömürcü, Mr. Hicabi Dursun, Mr. Celal Mümtaz Akıncı, Mr. Muammer Topal, Mr. Hasan Tahsin Gökcan, Mr. Rıdvan Güleç, Mr. Recai Akyel and Mr. Yusuf Şevki Hakyemez, as well as the other Court officials.

The delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court paid a visit to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia located in Zagrep. In his speech, Vice-President Mr. Burhan Üstün expressed his gratitude for paying a visit to the Croatian Constitutional Court. Indicating that the Turkish Constitutional Court was one of the long-standing tribunals of Europe, Vice-President Mr. Üstün noted that the European Court of Human Rights considered the Turkish Constitutional Court as an effective remedy also in the field of individual application.

In his speech, President of the Croatian Constitutional Court Mr. Miroslav Šeparović expressed his gratitude for hosting the delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court in his country and emphasized that the meetings to be held would contribute to the improvement of relations between Croatia and Turkey.

Following the speeches, the delegations of the Constitutional Courts of these two countries held a meeting during which the organizational structures and working procedures of the Turkish and Croatian Constitutional Courts as well as the implementation of individual application mechanism were discussed.