Paylaş | 06 June 2022
The Delegation of the Constitutional Court, headed by the President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Zühtü Arslan, paid an official visit to Bulgaria, upon the invitation of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Within the scope of the visit, a meeting on “Access of Citizens to Constitutional Justice – the Individual Constitutional Complaint” was held on June 2nd with the participation of the Turkish Delegation and the President of the Bulgarian Constitutional Court Mrs. Pavlina Panova and justices, and a bilateral memorandum of cooperation was signed between the constitutional courts of the two countries.
President Zühtü Arslan, referring to the duties of the Turkish Constitutional Court as well as the individual application mechanism, also answered the questions of the participants. Rapporteur-Judge Mr. Murat Azaklı delivered a presentation titled "Individual Application to the Turkish Constitutional Court and Admissibility Criteria".
After the meeting, a dinner was hosted by the President of the Bulgarian Constitutional Court in honour of the Turkish Constitutional Court Delegation.
The Delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court and the President of the Bulgarian Constitutional Court visited the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey and the Grand Mufti’s Office in Sofia.
During the visit paid by the Delegation of the Turkish Constitutional Court, President Arslan was accompanied by Justice Mr. Yıldız Seferinoğlu, Rapporteur-Judge Mr. Murat Azaklı and Deputy Director of the International Relations Department Mrs. Özlem Talaslı Aydın.