Paylaş | 16 February 2018
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Mr. Thorbjørn Jagland and his accompanying delegation visited the President of the Constitutional Court Mr. Zühtü Arslan on 15 February 2018.
In the meeting, the President of the Constitutional Court Arslan told the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Jagland, with whom he now came together for the third time since the coup attempt of July 15 that this attempt constituted an attack on the Council of Europe values such as democracy, rule of law and human rights.
Emphasizing that Turkey is a democratic state of law and founding member of the Council of Europe, President Arslan reiterated his thanks to Secretary General Jagland for siding with the Turkish democracy during this process.
President Arslan also touched upon the work of the Constitutional Court during the state of emergency and stated that the difficulties Turkey is experiencing at extraordinary times will be resolved within the legal order.