20 June 2017 Tuesday
Aydın Yavuz and Others [Plenary], no. 2016/22169, 20 June 2017
As regards the alleged unlawfulness of detention
The Court found the complaint inadmissible for being manifestly ill-founded on the grounds that the applicants were users of the “ByLock” application (app), which was the digital platform of the FETÖ/ PDY members for secure communication; that the competent authorities’ assessment that the use of ByLock constituted a strong indication of having committed an offence could not be considered as unfounded or arbitrary; and that the legal grounds for the applicants’ detention, the risk of tampering with evidence and suspicion of fleeing, had sufficient factual basis.
As regards the alleged judicial review of detention without a hearing
The Court found no violation of the right to personal liberty and security on the ground that the applicants’ continued detention for 8 months and 18 days through judicial reviews over the casefile without a hearing was proportionate based on the exigency of the state of emergency considering the severe workload of judiciary after the coup attempt.