01 February 2017 Wednesday
T. A. A., no. 2014/19081, 1 February 2017
Protection and improvement of corporeal and spiritual existence, right to respect for private life and the principle of equality due to the layoff of the applicant for his being HIV positive
The Court found violations of the applicant’s right to protect his corporeal and spiritual existence as well as his right to respect for private life as the decisions of the inferior courts included no assessment as to the obligation to look for alternative positions at the workplace and therefore no fair balance was struck between the conflicting interest of the employer and the employee.
The right to respect for private life due to rejection of the request for holding of his trial closed to third parties
The Court found a violation of the applicant’s right to protection of personal data as a part of the right to respect for private life due to the ambiguous and unjustified denial by the inferior courts of the applicant’s reasonable and defensible request for confidentiality.